The Wind

This is fascinating. A map of the wind in real time all across the country. Click here to see it and be amazed. 🙂

Lasagna Cupcakes

Since I’ve had numerous people ask me for the recipe for the lasagna cupcakes I recently made, I thought I’d post it on here to share it with you all. …

War is Peace

Now that I’ve moved into my new apartment and created somewhat of my new routine, I’ve been able to pick up reading again. (Oh how I’ve missed it!) I started …

Empty Sea

“There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future…[only] the hard truth of present circumstances.”

Sea Break

My boss told me to go down to the park & take a break…while he is paying me. I LOVE my job! (Taken with instagram)

Occupy LA Raid

Another Day of Devastation 12:03am- I turn on my live streams knowing something bad is going to happen tonight. I had received a text earlier in the afternoon about numerous …